Bird Spirit Medicine - Totem Feather Wands

With Good Intentions totem feather wands are incredibly special, unique and one of a kind, lovingly handcrafted in Sydney, Australia using shamanic practices.

Our totem feather wands are made from natural feathers, with the intention to invoke and honour the spirit bird animal, adding a meaningful and sacred element to their significance.

We carefully select moulted feathers from specific birds with symbolic significance. We combine these feathers with other materials such as wood, leather, or crystals, using various techniques like binding, weaving, or wrapping, to construct a feather wand that embodies spiritual power and connection to the spirit realm. The process involves deep reverence, intention, and the application of traditional knowledge passed down through generations.

Bird spirit medicine is a concept rooted in various spiritual and Indigenous beliefs. It refers to the symbolic and metaphorical significance of birds in connecting humans with the spiritual realm. Birds are often seen as messengers, carrying messages from the divine or the spirit world.

They are associated with freedom, intuition, transformation, and higher consciousness. Bird spirit medicine encourages individuals to embrace their own inner wisdom, trust their instincts, and soar above life's challenges.

It invites people to observe and interpret the behavior and characteristics of birds as signs or omens, guiding them on their spiritual journey.

By attuning oneself to the energy and symbolism of birds, individuals can find inspiration, guidance, and a deeper connection to the spiritual aspects of existence.

Connecting with a totem feather wand is a personal and spiritual practice that may vary depending on individual beliefs and traditions.  

Here’s a few general steps you may consider when connecting with your feather wand:

  1. Set your intention: Begin by clarifying your intention for connecting with your totem feather wand. This could be seeking guidance, protection, or a deeper spiritual connection. Clearly state your purpose and hold it in your mind and heart.

  2. Cleansing and purification: Purify your space and the totem feather wand. You can do this by using traditional methods such as smudging with sage or other cleansing herbs, or by visualizing a purifying light enveloping the wand.

  3. Meditation and mindfulness: Find a calm and quiet space where you can sit comfortably. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and centre yourself. Enter into a meditative state, focusing on your intention and opening yourself to the energy of the totem feather wand.

  4. Sacred invocation: Call upon the spirit of the totem feather wand or the specific totem animal it represents. Speak from your heart, respectfully inviting their presence and guidance. You can use prayers, affirmations, or sacred words that resonate with you.

  5. Connection through touch: Gently hold the totem feather wand in your hands. Close your eyes and feel its texture, shape, and energy. Notice any sensations or insights that arise as you connect with it. Focus on the bond you are creating with the spirit of the totem and the energy it embodies.

  6. Active communication: Engage in a dialogue with the spirit of the totem feather wand. Ask questions, seek guidance, or express your gratitude. Be open to receiving messages or signs through your thoughts, feelings, or intuition. Trust your inner wisdom as you interpret the responses you receive.

  7. Integration and honouring: After your connection and communication, take a moment to reflect on your experience. Express gratitude for the guidance and wisdom received. Treat your totem feather wand with respect and care, honouring its sacredness and the connection you have established.

    If you have a specific spiritual tradition or mentor, seek guidance from them for a more tailored approach to connecting with your totem feather wand.

Connecting with a totem feather wand is a deeply personal practice, and it's essential to follow your intuition and beliefs.



Reiki Energy Healing with Feather Wands


Smudging & Clearing Space with Feather Wands