YONI Eggs - Safe Eggs vs Unsafe Eggs
Here are some crystals that are usually suitable for your yoni. The below crystals can withstand body heat, moisture, extensive cleansing and prolonged submersion.
Natural Quartz
Rose Quartz
Nephrite Jade
Most Jaspers
UNSAFE Yoni EGGS – Please avoid
These are some of the toxic crystals sold as yoni eggs.
Any dyed crystal - Some dyes are toxic
Angelite - This crystal contains lead
Chalcopyrite - This crystal contains sulphur
Chrysocolla - This crystal contains copper
Fluorite - This crystal contains fluorine and other toxic chemicals
Galena - This crystal contains lead
Labradorite - This crystal contains aluminium
Lazurite - This crystal contains sulphur
Malachite - this crystal contains copper.
Orpiment - This crystal contains arsenic
Rhodochrosite - This crystal contains lead
Selenite - When dissolved, this crystal is toxic to the body
Serpentine - This crystal creates asbestos in its fibrous form
Sodalite - This crystal contains aluminium
Sunstone - This crystal contains aluminium
Tiger’s Eye - Contains asbestos fibres that can break off
Turquoise - This crystal contains copper
You should avoid insertion of the following crystals for various reasons.
Some crystals are repeated from the list above.
Any cracked or chipped eggs or eggs with unpolished imperfections.
Calcite - This crystal will dissolve over time
Chalcedony - This crystal is porous and will carry bacteria
Hematite (and other metallic crystals) — This crystal oxidizes with moisture and is prone to rusting
Pyrite - This crystal can convert to sulphuric acid
Rutilated Quartz - the fibres of this crystal could be rough or break off. This crystal can also carry bacteria
Selenite - This crystal will dissolve in moisture and is easily broken
Tourmalinated Quartz - This crystal can be rough and harbor bacteria
Any dyed crystal - Some dyes are toxic
Angelite - This crystal contains lead
Chalcopyrite - This crystal contains sulphur
Chrysocolla - This crystal contains copper
Fluorite - This crystal contains fluorine and other toxic chemicals
Galena - This crystal contains lead
Labradorite - This crystal contains aluminium
Lazurite - This crystal contains sulphur
Malachite - This crystal contains copper.
Orpiment - This crystal contains arsenic
Rhodochrosite - This crystal contains lead
Selenite - When dissolved, this crystal is toxic to the body
Serpentine -This crystal creates asbestos in its fibrous form
Sodalite -This crystal contains aluminium
Sunstone -This crystal contains aluminium
Tiger’s Eye - Contains asbestos fibres that can break off. If your egg is broken or porous, throw it out!)
Turquoise - This crystal contains copper