How to use a WGI Smudge Wand


Our ritual smudge wands are lovingly hand-rolled for clearing space, shifting stagnant energy, introspectively used for energetic self healing, releasing blocked emotional baggage, setting intentions, manifesting through meditation, affirmations and mantras with humility and gratitude

Active your WAND & Manifest your INTENTIONS

  • Before lighting up your Smudge Wand, first find the time to create a sense of ceremony for it’s a sacred moment.

  • Be still and stay present with your emotions and activate your wand.

  • Gently squeeze the wand, smell the aromatic herbs, connect with the wand and become one with it.

  • Channel all your raw emotions and heart's desires into your wand.

  • Allow the wand to be your instrument for self-expression, releasing, letting go and healing.

  • You and you alone have the power to unlock all of the answers you need to know.

  • The answer you are seeking is already within you.

  • Do what feels right for you and trust your Intuition

  • It is your mind, your heart, and your internal wisdom that will lead you in the direction you need to go.

  • Stay with loving thoughts and be grateful for what you already have.

Simple Steps for Ritual Smudging

You will need (1) Candle /Lighter (1) Fireproof Dish (1)Cup Rock Salt (1) Small Sheet Aluminium Foil

Step 1. Find the time when you will not be disturbed (allow for approx. 20-45 minutes). We recommend before smudging , open up windows and doors to allow for the smoke to be released. Start by placing the smudge wand on a “fireproof smudging dish” to contain any loosely dropped herbs.

Step 2.  Light the end of the wand with your candle or lighter, allow up to 1 minute for the wand to smoke up. Blow gently onto the smoking end to increase the smoking process. “refer to our video “HERE”

If your smudge wand keeps going out, carefully insert a bamboo skewer into the burnt end of the wand, wiggle the skewer around a few times to help loosen up tightly packed herbs. Remove the skewer then relight your wand - refer to our video “HERE”

You can place your smudge wand onto an Incense Charcoal as you attend to your mediation, energy healing and other ritual practices. - refer to our video “HERE”

Step 3. Continue to produce more smoke while holding it over the fireproof dish. You can use a feather wand - “Smudging Feather Wand” (optional) or gently wave your hand or use your breath (exhale) to direct the flow of smoke. Stay connected to your thoughts and your breathing throughout your smudging. Smudge yourself first by carefully moving the wand in a circular/spiral motion, starting at your feet, leading up towards the top of your head and around the sides of your body.

Step 4. You may start at the front door, however it is your choice. You may move through your space in any direction of your choice while gently waving the smoke into the air. Spend a bit more time smudging the room corners, closet doors and under the bed, as these spaces accumulates stagnant energy.

Step 5. When you have smudged all areas of your space, come back to where you started. Hold thoughts of gratitude and gently extinguish your smudge wand by dipping it into a cup of salt until the wand stops smoking. You may then trim off any burnt ends, wrap in aluminium foil and pack away your smudge wand till your next smudging ceremony.

  • If you share a space with people and pets, please respect their boundaries when smudging.

  • No need to remove the cotton as our smudge wands are bound with 100% nontoxic cotton

  • Gently blow out flames that may flare up.

  • After the smudging ceremony it‘s common for your home/space to have a smokey aroma for a few days.

  • Cleanse yourself by having a shower or bath as a smokey scent may be present in your hair, skin and clothing

  • Never leave a burning smudge wand unattended. – keep away from children and pets.

  • Avoid use when pregnant - especially in the first trimester - the smokey aromas may irritate the senses.

  • Shelf life 24 months - Herbs and Botanicals are naturally prone to aging. - store your smudge wand in a dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture.


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