How to use your YONI Egg

How to use a yoni egg

When you receive your yoni egg you will want to give it a thorough cleaning. Cleanse your Yoni Egg in warm water with a light non-harsh organic soap. 

Yoni eggs were designed to enhance kegel exercises by adding weight and resistance.  To begin using a yoni egg, insert her into your vagina with the larger end going in first. If you have a drilled yoni egg the tip with the string will be pointing down.  Once the jade egg is in place, you can begin using her!  

 Ladies who have birthed (vaginally or c-section) 2 children or more, begin with the largest size egg and progress to the smaller size as your skill and strength develops.

Ladies, who have not birthed children, begin with the medium size egg and progress to the small size as your skill and strength develops.

 Insert your Yoni egg and get used to having it inside you and walk around your home or garden. Have your underwear on just in case it falls out. Don’t worry if it falls out, this is quite normal. If this is happening, start with having the egg inside you while you are lying down, sitting or whilst sleeping. The muscles eventually familiarise themselves with the yoni egg’s weight and size.

 Exercise vaginal muscles: 

The most common use of the yoni egg or jade egg is strengthening vaginal muscles through kegels. Simply insert your yoni egg and begin kegel (pelvic floor) exercise.

 Doing your kegels correctly is vital when working with your yoni egg.  

You first want to make sure you are contracting the correct muscles, to do so, contract your pelvic muscles without flexing your abdomen, thighs or buttocks. Breathe normally through your contractions.

  •  Basic exercise - Start by contracting and hold for 5 seconds then relax.  Once you are able to hold for 5 seconds try longer intervals of 10-15 seconds.

  • Repeat contractions for 5 minutes a session. (minimum of 15 minutes a day)

  • The quickie exercise: Contract and hold for 1 second then relax.  Continue the 1 second intervals for 5 minute sessions. (minimum of 15 minutes a day)

  • Combine the basic and quickie for an advanced 5-15 minute workout daily.

How often can you use your egg?

Use your yoni egg daily or at least three times a week to experience ultimate benefits.

 Meditate and Manifest your Intentions

Use the yoni crystal to meditate, hold her in your hands, inside your vagina, on top of your womb or where ever you feel she is needed. Activate your Yoni Egg and Manifest your intentions.  Begin to relax, clear your mind and connect with your higher self.  Let the energies flow through your yoni egg and yourself.  

Removing your Egg

For beginners, start out first with a drilled yoni egg , that way you can thread through unwaxed dental floss or clear nylon fishing line and pull it out gently. (Just like removing a tampon)

Always use a new thread each and every time you insert your egg. Use two threads of dental floss for extra strength if you’re worried the one thread may break. If the thread breaks, please don’t stress, just simply squat down and insert your fingers to remove the egg. Otherwise you also jump up and down a few times, or squat down and cough.

 Cleaning Your Yoni Egg – DO NOT BOIL

Crystal yoni eggs are not to be boiled as they may crack with extreme heat

Wash your Yoni Eggs in warm water with a gentle organic soap wash (nothing too harsh).

 Clear, Activate and Charge your Crystal Yoni Egg

  • Just as you do with any other Crystal , leave overnight under a full moon.

  • Use a smudge wand to clear your Yoni Egg.

  • Soak your Yoni Egg in Sea Salt Water over night (with no string).

  • Place your Yoni Egg on a bed of Natural Sea Salt over night (with no string).

  • Your Yoni Egg is sacred to you only, don’t leave it in a place where others can handle it .

 Safety and Precautions

Yoni Eggs are a potential choking hazard,  please store your Yoni Eggs away from young children.


It is NOT recommended to wear your Yoni egg during pregnancy. If you’re pregnant now, continue contracting your Pelvic Floor muscles naturally. When the baby arrives, either vaginally or by C-Section, please wait approx 6 weeks before using your yoni egg.  Consult with your Obstetrician if you have any concerns.

IUD - Mirena

If you have an IUD, we suggest using a Yoni egg with no string. Consult with your Gynaecologist before using this product.


It is NOT recommended to use your Yoni Egg during your menstrual cycle. The Egg is likely to keep dropping out with your menses. Avoid using the egg whilst wearing a tampon.

Trust your Intuition

We support the notion of taking responsibility for one's own well being, always trust your intuition and do what feels right for you.


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